TM 55-2840-254-23
Task 8-35
Task 8-88
Task 8-89
Applicable Configurations:
Task 8-90
Task 8-93
Task 8-94
POwerplant Mechanic's Tool Kit,
General Safety Instructions:
Technical Inspection Tool Kit,
Drain Hose, (Appendix E)
Container, 2 Quart
Container, 2 Gallon
Turbine fuels are very flammable. They
Multi meter
may cause drying and irritation of skin or
eyes. Handle only in well-ventilated areas
away from heat and open flame. Drain
Dry Cleaning Solvent (E17)
and store in approved metal safety con-
Gloves (E20)
tainers. Avoid prolonged or repeated
Lubricating Oil (E32)
contact with skin and do not take in-
Lubricating Oil (E33)
ternally. Wash contacted area of skin
thoroughly after handling. If irritation
Personnel Required:
of skin results, get medical attention.
68B10 Aircraft Powerplant Repairer
Get medical attention for eyes.
TM 55-4920-328-13
TM 55-1520-240-23
Lubricating oils (E32 and E33) cause
TM 55-1520-240-10
paralysis if swallowed. Prolonged con-
TM 55-1520-240-MTF
tact with them may irritate the skin.
Handle only in wall-ventilated areas
away from heat and flame. Drain and
store in approved metal safety con-
tainers. Avoid prolonged or repeated
contact with skin and do not take in-
ternally. Wash contacted areas of skin
Task 7-6
thoroughly after handling. If irritation
Task 7-10
of skin results, get medical attention.
Task 8-28
Get medical attention for eyes.
Task 8-29
Task 8-30
Task 8-33