TM 55-2840-254-23
Fuel flow through engine fuel system is as follows:
Fuel from airframe fuel supply system enters engine through fuel boost pump.
Fuel flows through main fuel filter and into fuel control.
(3) Two flow paths leave fuel control; starting fuel system and main fuel system.
Starting fuel flows to starting fuel solenoid valve. When energized (open), fuel flows to start-
ing fuel primer tube which carries fuel to two start fuel nozzles.
Main fuel flows through the oil cooler assembly and the in-line fuel filter to the flow divider.
Flow divider splits fuel flow to provide two separate f lows (primary and secondary) to each
fuel manifold half. Fuel flows through manifold havles to 28 nozzles and into the combustor.
Return line from flow divider to fuel boost pump allows fuel remaining in flow divider to
seep back to fuel boost pump. Check valve prevents fuel flow from boost pump to flow