ARMY TM 5-6675-309-14
to provide access to thermostatic switch
panel (51) to PSTS instrument case (1).
Remove PSTS front panel far enough to
provide access to power supply PS1 (100,
2. Remove 11 screws (83) and washers (84)
and two cable clamps (85 and 87) secur-
2. Tag and unsolder wires and resistor R114
ing power supply plate (88) to mounting
plate (71). Remove power supply plate
(99) from power supply PS1 (100).
(88) far enough to provide access to
3. Remove 11 screws (83) and washers (84)
screws (89) securing thermostatic switch
and two cable clamps (85 and 87) secur-
S15 (93).
ing power supply plate (88) to mounting
3. Loosen one screw (89) and remove one
plate (71). Remove power supply plate far
screw (89), lockwasher (95), washer (94),
enough to provide access to screws (86)
and nut (96) securing thermostatic switch
securing power supply PS1 (100) to
S15 (93) to power supply plate (88).
power supply plate.
4. Tag and unsolder wires from thermostatic
4. Remove four screws (86) securing power
switch S15 (93). Remove thermostatic
supply (100) to power supply plate (88).
switch S15.
Remove power supply PS1.
(b) Replacement.
(b) Replacement.
Place thermostatic switch S15 (93) on
power supply late (88) with slotted hole
under washer (94). Align mounting holes.
Install screw (89), lockwasher (95), washer
(94), and nut (96) securing thermostatic
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and gives
switch S15 (93) to power supply plate
off harmful vapors. Use only in well-ven-
(88). Tighten two screws (89) and nuts
tilated area away from open flames and
sparks. Avoid prolonged or repeated inha-
Solder wires to thermostatic switch S15
lation of vapors.
Clean threads of four screws (86) using
Place power supply plate (88) on mount-
isopropyl alcohol and lint- free material;
ing plate (71). Align mounting holes.
wipe dry.
Install 11 screws (83) and washers (84)
Apply sealing compound primer (MIL-
and two cable clamps (85 and 87) secur-
S-22473) to threads of four screws (86).
ing power supply plate (88) to mounting
Allow to air dry.
plate (71).
Apply sealing compound (MIL-S-22473,
Grade C) to threads of four screws (86).
sheet 1) in PSTS instrument case (1).
Place power supply PS1 (100) on power
Install 20 screws (49) and washers (50)
supply plate (88). Align mounting holes.
securing PSTS front panel (51) to PSTS
Install four screws (86) securing power
instrument case (1).
supply PS1 (100) to power supply plate
Power supplies PS1, PS2, and PS3 are all
Place power supply plate (88) on mount-
removed and replaced in the same man-
ing plate (71). Align mounting holes.
ner except PS3 has no resistor and has six
Install 11 screws (83) and washers (84)
screws securing it instead of four. Typical
and two cable clamps (85 and 87) secur-
example of all three is shown below using
ing power supply plate (88) to mounting
power supply PS1.
plate (71).
(20) Power supply PS1. Remove and replace power
Install and solder wires and leads of resis-
supply PS1 (100, figure 8-6, sheet 3), as fol-
tor R114 (99) to terminals of power sup-
ply PS1 (100).
(a) Removal.
sheet 1) in PSTS instrument case (1).
and washers (50) securing PSTS front
Align mounting holes.