TM 55284025423
1109 ADJUST FUEL CONTROL (N2) (Continued)
2. Adjust acceleration schedule as follows:
must be made with the engine shut down.
Fuel boost pumps must be off. The ad-
justment screw is located under plug (12)
on the rear side of fuel control (2).
performed with the engine installed on the
is absolutely limited to the following con-
ditions: No adjustment is allowed until
the airbleed operation has been thorough-
ly checked. If necessary, adjust in com-
pliance with maintenance instructions.
(Ref. Task 108.) Every time the accelera-
tion adjustment screw is turned it will
make a clicking noise; like the noise a
ratchet makes when it is turned. Total
adjustment used in service life of the fuel
control shall not exceed ten clicks in ei-
ther direction. The adjustment shall be
recorded in engine historical records.
Whenever the fuel control is changed to a
different engine, transfer the number of
clicks and direction adjusted to new en-
gine historical record. Whenever the fuel
control is being returned to depot or stor-
age transfer number of clicks and direc-
tion adjustment to tag (E54) and keep
tag with fuel control.
Change 11