TM 55-2840-254-23
Consists of approximately the front two-thirds of engine. Major functions are to provide air inlet, air com-
pression, and air distribution. Also provides air for internal cooling of parts and pressurization of seals.
Customer bleed provisions and air-bleed provisions to prevent surge (loss of compressor air flow) are built in.
AIR INLET HOUSING ASSEMBLY. Provides air flow path which directs inlet air to the compres-
sor area. Also provides supply tank for engine oil system.
COMPRESSOR HOUSING. Forms the outer wall of the air f low path through the compressor area.
Designed to aid air compression by gradual decrease in inside diameter from front
to rear. Vent holes used in conjunction with compressor bleed band allows con-
trolling of compressor bleed air. Holes toward rear of housing allow heated air to
flow into the air gallery for customer use.
STATOR VANES. Attached directly to the inside of the compressor housing. Designed to direct air
flow so it hits compressor rotor blades at best angle for most efficient operation.
COMPRESSOR ROTOR BLADES. Located around each of seven compressor rotor disc assemblies.
Designed to raise the pressure level of air as it passes through each stage of the