TM 1-2840-252-23-3
GLOSSARY (Continued)
G (Continued)
Grooving ................................ ................... Wearing away of material, caused by movement of contact-
ing surfaces, in such a manner as to cause a long, thin,
sharp depression in the surface. Can cause steps in severe
Heat Discoloration ................................ ..... Characterized by a discoloring film. Color varies from light
straw, tan, or light brown changing to red purple, purple or
blue. Caused by high temperature operation.
Insulation................................ ................... A material or device used to prevent passage of heatelec-
tricity, or sound from one medium to another.
Kinks ................................ ......................... Short, tight twists or curls caused by a doubling or winding
of a hose or line upon itself. Likely to cause difficulties in
the operation.
Loose ................................ ........................ Abnormal movement of a part.
Nick ................................ ........................... A surface impression with sharp corners or bottom, usually
caused by pressure or impact from a sharp-edged foreign
body. The parent material is displaced but usually none is
Overhaul ................................ ................... To restore an item to a completely serviceable condition as
prescribed by serviceability standards developed and pub-
lished by the Government.
Overshooting ................................ ............. When the expected N1 or N2 speed is exceededmomen-
tarily and then drops below the expected level.
Overspeed................................ ................. When the expected N1 or N2 speed is exceeded.
Oxidation ................................ ................... A chemical action in which a metallic element is united with