TM 1-2840-252-23-3
Abrasion ................................ .............................. A roughened surface.
Bend................................ ................................ .... Distortion in a part.
Binding ................................ ................................ To confine and restrict the liberty of a free moving part, ma-
terial, or component. May cause serious damage if achaf-
ing force is being imposed.
Break................................ ................................ ... Separation of a part.
Buckling................................ ............................... A large-scale deformation of the original contour of a part,
usually due to pressure or impact from a foreign obje t,
structural stresses, excessive localized heating, highpres-
sure differentials, or to any combination of these.
Burn ................................ ................................ .... A rapid destructive oxidizing action usually caused by high-
er temperatures than the material can withstand structural-
ly. Change in color and appearance often indicates this
Burr ................................ ................................ ..... A rough or sharp edge on a hole or corner, usually caused
Carborundum................................ ....................... The trade name for a manufactured aluminum oxide abra-
sive similar to natural emery. It is used for grinding wheels
and for abrasive papers.
Chafing................................ ................................ A worn or rubbed area caused by friction: refers to the wear
produced by parts such as fuel, air, and oil lines rubbing
against other parts.
Chipping ................................ .............................. Breaking away of metallic particles.
Chordal................................ ................................ Progressing in a straight line from one edge to another on
a curved surface. Typically, on an airfoil, a direction or mea-
surement from leading to trailing edge.
Concave ................................ .............................. A hollow surface curved like the inside of a bowl.
Contamination (Foreign Material)......................... Any foreign substance such as metal chips, lint, rust, and
water that would be harmful to the functioning of a part or
Converging................................ .......................... Tending to move toward one point or another.
Convex ................................ ................................ A surface shaped like the outside of a sphere or a ball.
Corrosion................................ ............................. A mass of small pits which cumulatively create a large cav-
ity (usually shallow) in the surface of the parent metal.