TM 1-2840-252-23-3
If multiple fault codes and/or symptoms are noted, use the following guidelines to determine the order of
troubleshooting. Faults listed in step c.(1) should be investigated first, then faults listed in step c.(2), etc.
Faults listed within the same item may generally be investigated in any order with respect to each other;
exceptions are given at the beginning of the affected fault code procedures.
(1) All fault codes beginning with '1'.
(2) B9, BA, BB, and BC.
(3) All fault codes beginning with "D" except D1, D2, DE, and DF.
(4) D1, D2, and DE.
(5) All remaining fault codes beginning with "B".
(6) All fault codes beginning with "A".
(7) All fault codes beginning with "E".
(8) All fault codes beginning with "C" except CF.
(9) All fault codes beginning with "F".
(10) CF.
(11) DF.
(12) Any symptoms noted that do not cause a fault code.
d. Once the first fault to be investigated has been determined, locate the fault in table 1. Go to the figure listed
for that fault and follow the procedure. Once the fault has been cleared, check to see if any other faults still
exist. If there are still faults, use the guidelines above to determine which fault to troubleshoot next. Continue
investigating faults one at a time until all faults are cleared.
e. If the engine exhibits erratic behavior but no fault codes are displayed, perform the insulation/voltage check
per figure 159 to determine if a bad ground connection is causing the problem.
a. Fuel Control System Harness Connections. See figure 201.