CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-6115-612-34_21Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1-1 . Aviation Generator Set, Front 3/4 ViewFigure 1-2. Aviation Generator Set, Rear ViewTABULATED DATA. (cont)DC ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMTable 1-1. Repair and Replacement StandardsTable 1-1. Repair and Replacement Standards -Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_28Table 1-1. Repair and Replacement Standards -Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_29Table 1-1. Repair and Replacement Standards -Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_30S e c t I o n I . REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TEST, MEASUREMENT, DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT (TMDE) , AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENTTable 2-2. Inspection and Test EquipmentTable 2-2. Inspection and Test Equipment - ContinuedTable 23. Fabricated Tools and EquipmentTable 2-3. Fabricated Toois and Equipment- ContinuedTable 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - ContinuedTable 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_37Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_39Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_40Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_41Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_42Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_43Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_44Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_45Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_46Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_47Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_48Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_49Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_50Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_51Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_52Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_53Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_54Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_55Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_56Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_57Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_58Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_59Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_60Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_61Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_62Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_63Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_64Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_65Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_66Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_67Table 2-3. Fabricated Tools and Equipment - Continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_68Assembly fixtureSection II. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_71Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_72Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_73Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_74Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_75Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_76Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_77Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_78Table 2-4. Troub leshooting - continued - TM-5-6115-612-34_79GENERATOR OVERTEMP MALFUNCTION LIGHT COMES ONOVERLOAD MALFUNCTION LIGHT COMES ON - CURRENT LOAD NORMALRepair or replace as necessaryNO OR POOR REGULATION - ALL INPUTS NORMALSection III. GENERAL MAINTENANCETurnlock Fasteners Replacement. (cont)Section IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 2-2. Generator Replacement (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-2. Generator Replacement (Sheet 2 of 2)Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_90ENGINE AND GEARBOX REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONFigure 2-3. Engine and Gearbox Replacement (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2-3. Engine and Gearbox Replacement (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2-3. Engine and Gearbox Replacement (Sheet 3 of 3)ENGINE AND GEARB0X REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (cont)Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_97Removal - TM-5-6115-612-34_98Figure 2-4. Control Panel Replacement (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-4. Control Panel Replacement (Sheet 2 of 2)CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE OF FRAME AND HOUSINGRemoval - TM-5-6115-612-34_102Installation. - TM-5-6115-612-34_103Repair - TM-5-6115-612-34_104Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_105INLET AIR HOUSINGInstallation. (cont)Repair. (cont)figure 3-1. air filter replacementInstallation - TM-5-6115-612-34_110Removal. (cont)Installation. (cont)Figure 3-2. Engine Support Assembly ReplacementCHASSIS FRAME ASSEMBLYfigure 3-3. chassis frame replacementRemoval - TM-5-6115-612-34_116Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_117CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE OF DC ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMPURPOSE TM 5-6115-612-34 TM 6115-34/8 TO 35C2-3-471-2 AG-320BO-MME-OOO AND FUNCTION ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 4-1. GECM Test SetupGENERATOR ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE. Overload TestPower Limit Testfigure 4-2. circuit card replacement Regulator TestFigure 4-3. GECM Component ReplacementRemoval - TM-5-6115-612-34_128Diode ReplacementFigure 4-4. GECM Resistor and Relay ReplacementRemoval - TM-5-6115-612-34_131Figure 4-5. Starter Test SetupTesting and Troubleshooting.Figure 4-6. Starter Disassembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-6. Starter Disassembly (Sheet 2 of 2)STARTER ASSEMBLYSTARTER ASSEMBLY. (cont)Test After RepairCHAPTER 5 MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION SYSTEMGENERATOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-5-6115-612-34_140Table 5-1. GECM Connector Resistance TestGENERATOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-5-6115-612-34_142figure 5-4. filter box assembly (sheet 1 of 4)Figure 5-4. Filter Box Assembly (Sheet 2 of 4)figure 5-4. filter box assembly (sheet 3-4)Figure 5-4. Filter Box Assembly (Sheet 4 of 4)Disassembly - TM-5-6115-612-34_147Figure 5-5. 10kW Generator Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-5. 10kW Generator Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Disassembly - TM-5-6115-612-34_150Repair and RebuildReassembly - TM-5-6115-612-34_152figure 5-6. measuring for spring washer axial distance Reassembly. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_154Figure 5-7. Stator to Diode Wire RoutingReassembly. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_156CHAPTER 6 MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEMFigure 6-1. Fuel System Block Diagramfigure 6-2. engine fuel tankELECTRICAL HIGH PRESSURE FUEL PUMPfigure 6-3. electrical fuel pump (high pressure) and solenoid valveFigure 6-4. Electrical Fuel Pump (High Pressure) Test SetupFigure 6-5. Electrical Fuel Pump (High Pressure) Electric Motor DisassemblyElectric Motor Repairfigure 6-6. replacing broken brush guideElectric Motor Reassembly.figure 6-7. solenoid valve test setupSOLENOID VALVE. (cont)figure 6-8. solenoid valve disassemblyFigure 6-9. Silicone Sealer ApplicationReassembly. (cont)Figure 6-10. Fuel Injection Nozzle Test Setupfigure 6-11. fuel injection nozzle spray patternsCHAPTER 7 MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 7-1. Lubrication Systemfigure 7-2. lubrication system componentsFigure 7-3. Oil Pressure Relief Valve InstallationOIL COOLERFigure 7-4. Oil Cooler ReplacementOIL PUMPOIL PUMP. (cont)Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_183CHAPTER 8 NAVY AG-320BO-MME-OOO MAINTENANCE OF ENGINETable 8-1. General Defect DefinitionsTable 8-1. General Defect Definitions (cont)Table 8-1. General Defect Definitions - (Continued)GENERAL. (cont)Table 8-2. Engine Disassembly FixtureTable 8-2. Engine Disassembly Fixture - ContinuedCOMBUSTION CHAMBER CASE ASSEMBLYfigure 8-1. combustion chamber case assembly removalFigure 8-2. Removing Combustion Chamber Fabricated Tool FT-21519Cleaning and Inspection. (cont)Table 8-3. Nondestructive Test Inspection DataTable 8-3. Nondestructive Test Inspection Data - ContinuedFigure 8-3. Combustor Housing Disassemblyfigure 8-4. combustor housing diassembly - fuel injection nozzle removalOverhaul (cont)Overhaul. (cont)Figure 8-5. LEGEND WASHER RETAINING PLATE 20. WASHER 21. SPEED SENSOR OIL SUPPLY FITTING 22. SHIM FUEL DRAIN FITTING 23. PREFORMED PACKING OIL DRAIN FITTING 24. BOLT BLEED AIR CONNECTOR 25. WASHER PREFORMED PACKING 25.1 FOREIGN OBJECT BOLT DEFLECTOR SPEED SENSOR CLIP 26. PADEYE Turbine Assembly RemovalInspection - TM-5-6115-612-34_203Figure 8-6. Turbine Assembly DisassemblyDisassembly (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_205Figure 8-8. Using Turbine Wheel Assembly Fixture, Fabricated Tool FT-21616figure 8-9. removing/installing speed pickup nut usingfabricated tool ft-21368Disassembly (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_208figure 8-10. removing/installing bearing retainer nut using fabricated tools ft-21498 and ft-21583CleaningInspection. (cont)Repair - TM-5-6115-612-34_212Assembly and Balance of Rotating material. Group AssemblyOVERHAUL OF TURBINE ASSEMBLY. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_214Figure 8-11. Removing/Installing Retainer Nut Using Fabricated Tools FT-21538, FT-21570, and FT-21571F i g u r e 8-12. O b t a i n i n g Reading f o r Turbine S h a f t S t r e t c h Using F a b r i c a t e d Tools FT-21540 and FT-21565Figure 8-13. Obtaining Reading for Turbine Shaft Stretch Using Fabricated Tools FT-21540 and FT-21565OVERHAUL OF TURBINE ASSEMBLY. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_218Reassembly (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_219figure 8-14. measuring compressor impeller vane clearance using fabricated tool ft-21360OVERHAUL OF TURBINE ASSEMBLY. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_221Reassembly. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_222Figure 8-15. Diffuser Shim Set Installation - Measurement PointsReassembly. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_224Installation - TM-5-6115-612-34_225OVERHAUL OF GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-612-34_226Figure 8-17. Gearbox Removal (Sheet 1 of 2)figure 8-17. gearbox removal (sheet 2 of 2) Disassembly - TM-5-6115-612-34_229figure 8-18. preparing gearbox using fabricated tool ft-21343 Figure 8-19. Preparing Gearbox Assembly for Disassembly Using Fabricated Tool FT-21343OVERHAUL OF GEARBOX ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-612-34_232Figure 8-20. Gearbox Disassembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 8-21. Gearbox Disassembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 8-21. Securing Generator Shouldered Shaft and Removing Nut Using Fabricated Tools FT-21322 and FT-21369figure 8-22. removing bearing and output spur gear using fabricated tools ft- 21589 and ft-21325OVERHAUL OF GEARBOX ASSEMBLY. (cont)Repair and ReplacementReassembly - TM-5-6115-612-34_239OVERHAUL OF GEARBOX ASSEMBLY. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_240Figure 8-23. Angular Bearing InstallationFigure 8-24. Installing Generator Shouldered Shaft Using Fabricated Tools FT-21590 and FT-21324OVERHAUL OF GEARBOX ASSEMBLY. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_243Figure 8-24.1 Preparing Gearbox Assembly for Disassembly Using Fabricated Tool FT-21343Figure 8-25. Using Oil Impingement Test Stand, Fabricated Tools FT-21600Reassembly (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_246CHAPTER 9 MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE EXHAUSTFigure 9-1. Engine Exhaust SystemEXHAUST DUCT ASSEMBLY. (cont)Figure 9-2. Exhaust System Components Replacement (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-2. Exhaust System Components Replacement (Sheet 2 of 2)Inspection - TM-5-6115-612-34_253Repair - TM-5-6115-612-34_254CHAPTER 10 MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE AND GENERATOR CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSFunctional Theory of 0peration. (cont)Functional Theory of Operation. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_258Status monitoring/automatic shutdownFunctional Theory of Operation. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_260Status monitoring and con- trolPURPOSE AND FUNCTION OF ENGINE AND GENERATOR CONTROLS AND INSTRU- MENTS. (cont)Functional Theory of Operation. (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_263 ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (EECM). (cont) ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (EECM). (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_265 ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (EECM). (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_266Test. Engine overtemperature test.One hundred percent switch test.Overspeed test.test - TM-5-6115-612-34_272Fuel pump control test.Circuit Card Replacement.Figure 10-2. EECM Circuit Card ReplacementInstallation - TM-5-6115-612-34_276Figure 10-3. EECM Transistor ReplacementInstallation. - TM-5-6115-612-34_278Figure 10-4. EECM Connector ReplacementFigure 10-5. EECM Connectors (Back) Wire ConnectionsFigure 10-6. Terminal Board/Multiple Ground Terminal ReplacementDiode ReplacementFigure 10-7. Contactor/Diode ReplacementCONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLYCHAPTER 11 MAINTENANCE OF LOAD CONNECTIONCHAPTER 12 MAINTENANCE OF RUNNING GEARFigure 12-1. Torsion Axle ReplacementInstallation (cont)Figure 12-2. Swivel Caster RepairSWIVEL CASTER ASSEMBLYCHAPTER 13 GENERATOR SET TEST AND INSPECTION AFTER REPAIR AND OVERHAULGENERATOR INSPECTIONENGINE OPERATIONAL TESTFigure 13-1. Test Equipment Installationtable 13-1. engine-generator operational tests (uninstalled)table 13-1. engine-generator operational tests (uninstalled) (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_299table 13-1. engine-generator operational tests (uninstalled) (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_300Figure 13-2. Envelope of Voltage Transient for 28 Volts (Nominal) DC Systemfgure 13-3. exhuast gas temperature limits figure 13-4. oil sump temperature lmitsfigure 13-5. fuel flow limitsTable 13-2. Normal Operating ConditionsENGINE OPERATIONAL TEST. (cont)table 13-4. engine-generator operational tests (installed)table 13-4. engine-generator operational tests (installed) (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_308table 13-4. engine-generator operational tests (installed) (cont) - TM-5-6115-612-34_309Figure 13-6. Control PanelSection II. COATING INSTRUCTIONSSpray coating - TM-5-6115-612-34_313Flame Spray Coating-Nickel Aluminum CompositeEngineering Process SpecificationsPlasma Spray Coating - MolybdenumFlame Spray Coating - Aluminum Alloy (4043)RequirementsFlame Spray Coating - Aluminum Bronze, Silicone Resin ImpregnatedSpray coating - TM-5-6115-612-34_320APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-6115-612-34_321GENERAL INFORMATION. (cont)SHIPMENT AND STORAGEAPPENDIX B EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSECTION II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTfo-1. engine electronic control module (eecm)schematicFO-2 . Engine Electronic Control Module (EECM) Wire Listfo-3. eecm switch circuit card schematicf0-4. eecm mpu board schematic fo-5. eecm power supply board schematicFO-6. Generator to Generator Electronic Control Module (GECM) Wiring HarnessFO-7 . Branched Engine Electronic Control Module (EECM) to Engine Wiring Harnessfo-8. branched generator electronic control module (gecm) to control panel engine electronic control module (eecm)wiring harness FO-9. Engine and Generator Controls and Instruments Detailed Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2 )FO-9. Engine and Generator Controls and Instruments Detailed Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)FO-10. Generator Electronics Control Module Printed Wiring Assembly Schematic (Sheet 1 of 4)fo-10. generator electronics control module printed wiring assembly schematic (sheet 2 of 4)FO-10. Generator Electronics Control Module Printed Wiring Assembly Schematic (Sheet 3 of 4)F0-10. Generator Electronics Control Module Printed Wiring Assembly Schematic (Sheet 4 of 4)FO-11. Generator Electronic Control Module Assembly Wiring DiagramFO-12. Generator Electronic Control Module Assembly Schematic